Final form placement
It is essential to get each form set as perfectly as possible without breaking out lasers and micrometers and stuff. I used a ruler, and a plum Bob to set an upper string line 9" above the lower strong line. The string must be incredibly tight to eliminate any sag across the 20'6' length as any sag would show up in the finished boat as a reduction in rocker.
Note how all my layout lines are visible, and connected to each other while I hold the strong away and all hidden behind the string when I'm not holding it.
Here I have mounted my riser blocks that will soon hold the stations. I'm keeping the top edge of each block just s few 1000ths below the string.
Now you see the layout lines - now you don't!
By the 18th form I had every pencil line hidden behind the string line and that's close enough to move on to aligning the stations. I cut the string off and used pinch clamps to hold the stations in place. Next I'll run some temporary cedar strips to make sure the curves are smooth and flowing as the strip contacts each form. If any minor adjustments are necessary this is my last chance to do it. I'll tack some temporary strips in place for additional strength and to prevent any stations from moving under the minor stress of mounting strips.
I am asking for clamps for Christmas!
I'm hoping to get in some good hours over the Christmas and New Years long weekends. Wish me luck!